Fur-get-Me-Nots are works of art created for the sole purpose of supporting Animal Rescue Groups and Sanctuaries. We want our creations to bring a smile to the faces of those that purchase them. Not only because of the pieces themselves but also because they have supported the rescue and care of animals. We donate 100% of our sales to rescue organizations.
In 2024, your donations by purchase supported:
In 2023, your donations by purchase supported:
In 2022, your donations by purchase supported:
In 2021, your donations by purchase supported:
Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary is home to a motley crew of sentient beings who will
now forever know what unconditional love feels like.
Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary’s mission is to provide lifetime sanctuary to farmed animals with donations solely benefiting direct animal care. We believe in treating all beings with compassion and respect, and we strive to promote a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle.
Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary has been a place of refuge for farm animals since its inception in 2015. Our journey is fueled by the desire to create a world where every animal is valued and protected.
Our goals are to rescue abused, surrendered, and/or neglected farmed animals. We provide permanent and loving homes for the rest of their lives. We also provide community resources for living a compassionate vegan lifestyle. Humane education is a passion project woven into our mission, often discussed within each tour, but also during specialized workshops curated for children.
Join Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary in our mission to provide care and compassion to our animal residents. Every helping hand makes a meaningful impact.
To rescue abandoned, surrendered, stray, abused, and / or neglected domesticated animals (cats, dogs, and some small animals) in order to provide them with medical care and sanctuary; with the goal of helping them find their forever homes.
To educate the public on the plight of homeless animals in our community, the benefits of adoption, and the importance of spay / neuter and the proper care of their pets.
ROC The Dogs Rescue, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) rescue organization in Rochester, New York, created to provide rescue, shelter, vetting, and placement of cats and dogs, regardless of size, breed, or medical status.
We are committed and passionate about rescuing animals locally regardless of the reasons.
We often take in animals from local shelters, from owners in difficult situations, strays found in the community, and those in danger of abuse or neglect.
To the extent our finances allow animals in the greatest need will always take priority.
Animals in our care are spayed or neutered, receive all appropriate veterinary care and treatment, and placed in nurturing foster homes (when possible) while they await their forever homes. We assist animals in distress regardless of age, breed, or ease of placement.
ROC The Dogs Rescue is committed to the welfare of its animals, past, present, and future. As a volunteer run rescue, virtually every dollar in the rescue goes directly to the care of our animals.
We make every effort beyond the adoption process to support our adoptive families.
Finally, we strive to work with area shelters and other rescues to develop a network of supporters and volunteers in order to create a better world for homeless pets!
To reduce the free-roaming cat population and improve the lives of unowned cats in the city of Rochester through spay/neuter, colony caretaker support, and community education.
A city where every free-roaming cat is treated with compassion, has access to affordable spay neuter and ongoing medical care, and is provided with adequate food, water, and warm shelter.
Free-roaming community cats deserve the best possible life, assured of adequate food, clean water, warm shelter, and ongoing safety.
Accessible and affordable spay neuter is essential to ending the relentless cycle of mating, litters of kittens, and preventable suffering.
Targeted Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR), in combination with managed cat colonies, is the most effective and humane way of reducing the free-roaming cat population.
Voucher programs for pet cats, return-to-field services, preventing cat abandonment, and community-wide education about spay/neuter are essential services that must exist in conjunction with TNVR.
Abandoned pet cats will be more adequately attended to when the kitten population decreases.
Colony caretakers deserve resources, support, and guidance.
A long-term solution to feline overpopulation will only occur with the combined strengths and coordinated efforts of public agencies, private animal welfare groups, and the community.
We are a small all-volunteer group focused on TNVR. We are not a shelter nor do we accept cats for surrender. We can only help when spay/neuter appointments and funding are available. Many times we will need some type of assistance from you. Please note: This is particularly important when kittens are part of your colony. You will need to contact rescues for intake as soon as you are aware of the kittens and then contact us for trapping ASAP.
Our volunteers have nearly 40 years of collective TNVR experience. We are fully focused on promoting TNVR to address the serious problem of cat overpopulation and increasing affordable spay/neuter access for cats.